Jun 15Liked by Remy Solomon

I’m absolutely horrified neither your doc nor pharmacy gave you any warnings about the ambien side effects. Like, these are extremely common and can be dangerous!! Related: I feel you on the fucked-up sleep. I’ve struggled with chronic insomnia my whole life and it’s debilitating. It’s made me literally crazy at times in my life and I’m pretty sure it’s made me dumber overall. I’ve tried everything and had no significant or sustained success. A lot of people swear by magnesium supplements - if you haven’t tried them, beware: do your research because certain types will give you 💩problems, and look for capsules instead of tablets because magnesium pills are ENORMOUS. You can also try magnesium oil on your feet (idk, for me it had a very weird texture) or a magnesium cream (very expensive).

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I know, he was playing a little fast and loose with the script haha. But sorry to hear that, god knows sleep shit sucks!! And absolutely will be investigating this magnesium oil/cream business.

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Jun 13Liked by Remy Solomon

Percocet will do this to you too… after I broke my jaw I would regularly wake up to find eBay purchase confirmation emails I didn’t remember - best purchase was a set of vintage French dunkin donuts mugs

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Those sound *fabulous*

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